1. bark::banknotes
    Swiss Bank Notes
  2. BAS::Hald
    Hald Data
  3. BAS::bodyfat
    Bodyfat Data
  4. BAS::climate
    Climate Data
  5. BAS::protein
    Protein Activity Data
  6. statsr::ames
    Housing prices in Ames, Iowa
  7. statsr::arbuthnot
    Male and female births in London
  8. statsr::atheism
    Atheism in the world data
  9. statsr::brfss
    Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2013 (Subset)
  10. statsr::evals
    Teachers evaluations at the University of Texas at Austin
  11. statsr::kobe_basket
    Kobe Bryant basketball performance
  12. statsr::mlb11
    Major League Baseball team data
  13. statsr::nc
    North Carolina births
  14. statsr::nycflights
    Flights data
  15. statsr::present
    Male and female births in the US
  16. statsr::tapwater
    Total Trihalomethanes in Tapwater
  17. statsr::wage
    Wage data
  18. statsr::zinc
    Zinc Concentration in Water